Jumat, 30 Desember 2011


So yea hey it's been forever since the last time I wrote shit on here but yea my life has been gooiiing crazy I mean like REAL crazy. I've got more stuffs to do. Things like I had NEVER done before and it is sure amazing. I got to learn new things which is interesting. I had this stage show drama which was FANTASTIC. Well, I heard how fantastic it was from the audiences though. They didn't expect I would pull it off! Well neither did I? I just know that I did my best and about I had to put my anxiety under control! Oh, haven't even told ya that it was a SINderella story that was shown. It wasn't like the same exact disney Cinderella you usually hear and see. It's SINderella! Notice the difference? I suppose you are getting the point now :P Well yea, the Sinderella is definietley not a Damsel in disteress anymore! This Sinderella is the moderen one instead and she hates her stepsisters. Unlike Cinderella who most likely hides her hatred feeling for her stepsisters, Sinderella tends to be more cocky! Likewise, her stepsisters (as always) :P but then, her stepsiters are even better than Sinderella. Now you are getting the main point! YUP! Sinderella is the bad guy :P Wellllllll then, she killed me :O (Yes, anyways I'm Ruth, her elder step sister) Suprising? Ain't it? :)) It's not without the hard work of the scriptwriters, director, and also all of the crews :)! It was a SUPERB stage show I'm honored!

It is just one amazing stuff I have done this year. Frankly, this is the best year, ever. Memories were made. I know it obviously definietly not ONLY about those sweet, loveydovey memories but tough memories thou! I mean, I'm happy that I've passed tough times so I now have something to learn from. That's what life means!

OOOOOOOOOOH, another great thing, my family is coming over this December which is AMAZIIIIING. I had not seen my brother and cousins for like FOREVER but ugh they're going back on the fifth - January :[ Which is mhmmmm one week ahead! Sad sad sad. I'm looking forward for the next meeting :)! I've spent most of my days with them. Fortunately, I'm having my days off within two weeks ahead so yea!

Merry Xmas to everyone who celebrates tho :P And happy new year in advance!! Welllllll, SAM IS A BIRTHDAY BABY GIRL THIS MONTH =)) HAPPY BDAY MY BABYGIRL <3333

Ugh anyways, I'm sad to face the truth that I will have to let go of 2011 SOON! I mean like WOW this year has been the best year for the past 18 years of my life! I mean, wow, bunch of memories I sure as hell will miss 2011 A LOT!!
I'd love to write all memories in 2011 but it will take like FOREVER haha plus you'd be bored reading this :P! But I can say those memories are AWESOME! LIKE LEGIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT!

I hope 2012 will be even better than 2011! We do hope so. I hope that I WILL FINISH MY STUDIES WITHIN 2 YEARS MAXIMUM? NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS!!!!!! :d Focus Tya Hocus-Pocus! :))
 and I hope to meet my baby too :')! Well I HOOPE! and get new friends? getting closer to my bestfriends?! YUUUP :) Well in a nutshell, I WISH A BETTER LIFE FOR EVERYONE WHO'S NOW READING THIS~!

Well I guess that was it :)) I'll try to keep writing! Hope to keep in touch!


Minggu, 09 Oktober 2011

Arus Globalisasi Dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Budaya Lokal

           Seiring dengan berkembangnya zaman, arus globalisasi semakin deras melewati batas-batas budaya yang dahulunya bahkan mungkin tak dapat dilewati. Namun, kini dengan kecanggihan teknologi, segala hal sangat mudah untuk dilakukan. Beberapa puluh tahun yang lalu, orang-orang jaman dahulu mungkin harus berjalan kaki menuju kantor pos untuk mengirim sepucuk surat dan kemudian harus menunggu surat balasan dalam jangka waktu yang cukup lama. Beberapa tahun belakangan ini, Anda sudah tidak perlu repot mengeluarkan tenaga untuk mengirimkan surat. Teknologi telah menyedikan layanan SMS atau E-mail bagi anda yang ingin mengirimkan surat untuk kolega yang berada jauh dari anda. Masalah waktu, anda hanya perlu kurang dari satu menit agar pesan atau surat anda disampaikan. Teknologi hanya merupakan salah satu produk buatan globalisasi. Globalisasi adalah suatu proses dimana antar individu, kelompok maupun negara saling berinteraksi satu sama lain melintasi batas-batas negara. Teknologi hanya merupakan satu dari sekian banyak ciri era globalisasi. Berkat teknologi, dinding-dinding pemisah antar budaya kini bisa dibilang sudah tidak setebal dahulu. Saat ini, kita bisa dapat dengan mudah mengkonsumsi dan mendapatkan gagasan-gagasan baru melalui pengembangan media massa yang melintasi berbagai ragam budaya. Namun dibalik kemegahan dan kemewahan globalisasi, ada beberapa hal yang akhir-akhir ini menjadi topik perdebatan. Arus globalisasi yang begitu deras kemudian telah menyeret budaya-budaya lokal yang mempunyai nilai-nilai yang berbanding terbalik dengan budaya global saat ini. Maka dari itu, tulisan ini khusus menyorot relevansi budaya lokal dan dampak yang diakibatkan satu sama lain.

Perubahan budaya yang terjadi di masyarakat tradisional yang dahulunya merupakan masyarakat tertutup dan kini menjadi lebih terbuka adalah salah satu dampak dari globalisasi. Interaksi budaya yang terus menerus terjadi setiap hari beperangaruh terhadap sistem sosial masyarakat adat. Media massa saat ini sangat banyak menampilkan tayangan-tayangan yang menjunjung tinggi budaya global. Kemudian, mudahnya akses internet yang mendatangkan berbagai informasi dari berbagai belahan dunia mempunyai peran besar terhadap maraknya interaksi antar budaya. Berbicara tentang mudahnya akses internet, internet telah memberikan banyak manfaat di masyarakat luas. Banyaknya beasiswa yang bertebaran di situs-situs resmi universitas internasional memudahkan generasi muda untuk mendapatkan informasi mengenai beasiswa yang memang disediakan oleh universitas asing. Terbukti, hal ini telah membantu banyak generasi muda untuk meningkatkan kompetensi diri demi menjadi bibit-bibit kompeten dengan standar internasional. Namun Indonesia kini tengah mengalami dilema akan maraknya interaksi antar budaya. Komunikasi dan sarana global telah menghilangkan batas-batas budaya. Tayangan yang di tampilkan media seperti televisi, majalah remaja dan sebagian dari situs-situs di internet merupakan tampilan budaya  kental dan gaya hidup negara-negara adidaya seperti Amerika Serikat. Film-film hollywood yang kerap di tayangkan seakan mengglamorisasi budaya liberal pada remaja-remaja Indonesia. Sedangkan tatanan-tatanan moral yang merupakan filosifi budaya Indonesia asli mengalami kemunduran drastis.  Remaja masa kini merasa bahwa eksistensi dirinya hanya akan terbentuk jika ia telah mengikuti gaya hidup budaya liberal yang merupakan ciri khas negara adidaya. Ini adalah ironi globalisasi bagi negara ini.  
Media seperti televisi yang seharusnya menjadi penyokong ilmu bagi masyarakat kini hanya penuh dengan sinetron-sinetron dengan tema yang tidak jauh dari roman picisan belaka dengan sorotan kehidupan liberal. Artis-artis yang ditampilkan kerap berbau seks dan merupakan penganut hedonisme. Tak tampak lagi tayangan edukatif yang mendorong masyrakat untuk menjadi produktif. Sebaliknya, yang dapat disaksikan hanyalah tanyangan yang merupakan adopsi dari budaya liberal yang berbanding terbalik dengan filosofi budaya lokal. Dampaknya sangat signifikan dan ironis. Survey yang dilakukan Kesehatan Reproduksi Remaja Indonesia (SKRRI) menemukan fakta bahwa ternyata remaja putri berusia 14 sampai 19 tahun, persentasenya lebih tinggi dari pada remaja putra soal pernah berhubungan seksual yakni 34,7% untuk permpuan dan 30,9% untuk pria. Demikian juga untuk remaja berusia 20 sampai 24 tahun, remaja perempuan 48,6% dan pria 46,5%. Bahkan berdasarkan penelitian Lembaga Studi Cinta dan Kemanusiaan serta Pusat Pelatihan Bisnis dan Humaniora selama 3 tahun (1999 – 2002) pada tempat kos mahasiswa di Yogyakarta menunjukkan 97,05 persen dari 1660 mahasiswa yang diteliti sudah hilang keperawanannya. Ironis bukan? Melihat semua problematika ini, sifat konservatif memang sangat dibutuhkan terumata dalam menjaga nilai-nilai luhur budaya Indonesia karena kalau sampai hal ini berkelanjutan, tentu saja akan sangat merugikan bagi bangsa ini.
Bangsa ini perlu pembangunan karakter nasional yang kuat. Tak ada salahnya mengadopsi hal baik dari budaya lain, namun sangat baik jika kita dapat terhindar dari hal-hal buruk yang bertentangan dengan nilai luhur budaya bangsa. Bangsa ini butuh generasi muda yang kuat, produktif, cerdas dalam memilih mana yang baik dan mana yang benar bagi diri sendiri maupun bagi bangsa ini. Bangsa ini tidak butuh generasi yang hedonis dan konsumtif. Filterisasi budaya merupakan hal yang tepat untuk dilakukan anak-anak bangsa dewasa ini. Sudah sepatutnya generasi muda sadar akan tugasnya sebagai penyelamat bangsa bukan penghancur dan pengkhianat bangsa ini. Generasi muda yang baik tidak akan membiarkan nilai-nilai luhur budaya bangsa ini pudar dan hilang.

Source :

Redaksi. Separuh Dari 63 Juta Jiwa Remaja Di Indonesia Rentan Berprilaku Tidak Sehat.


Rabu, 28 September 2011

Adopting Foreign Culture to Strengthen The National Character Building

        In this global era where we are linked to so many cultures all over the world, to adjust or to adapt cultures, somehow, is needed. People have acknowledge that these days, it is easier for them to get to know people with cultural differences. Thanks to technology. Culture in some ways are infuentual to one and another. By taking an example of Indonesia which is one of the most visited tourist attraction, this essay attemps to analyze what kind of culture that should be adopted in terms of constructing the national character. The culture that should be adopted by the western culture are the work ethic attitude , and the the self-confidence. Yet, there are several western culture that should not be adopted as well, just because they don’t fit in eastern culture particularly Indonesian culture. Those are the libelarism and also the individualism in society.
            When talking about work ethic, every culture, somehow has its own fundamental values of what will be influential for the culture to affect the work ethic. The majority of people in Indonesia chose the proffesion as an employee rather than entrepeneur. However, if it is examined further, data shows Indonesia is one of the hottest markets for businesses looking at rapid growth of population and also its starategic location. How does this happen? To analyze this further, we need to take a look at the historical aspects. Back to decades ago, Indonesia was under the authority of Dutch for hundred of years. The repression might had affected and shaped the slave mentality of Indonesians. In concequence, these days people see so many chineese people take over the bussiness of Indonesia. Unlike the culture of Indonesia, the majority of foreign culture have a very different viewpoint of work ethic. Western culture for instance, considering the historical aspect, they are accustomed to be the leader of managing the colonialization. Indonesia needs to throw away the slave mentality and encourage themselves. The attitude toward managing work ethic should be adopted. In order to streghten the national character, this nation needs to thicken the leader mentality of the people particularly the youth generations.
            The culture of Indonesia also has the lack of indivual self-confidence. Thus the youth generations of nowadays have the tendecy to have a low self-esteem. Analyzing by its historical aspects, Indonesia, under the repression of Dutch, were shaped to have a victim mentality.  In a concequence, Indonesian people particularly youth generations are usually not well-prepared and vulnerable to compete in this global era. Unlike the culture of Indonesia, western culture for instance, are used to have a high self-confidence that helps them competating in the new  era of globalization. In order to have a better comptence, Indonesians should leave the mentality of victims left by Dutch colonization decades ago and on the contrary, should adapt the mentality of western culture.
            However, culture provides differences that are not fit into each other. Indonesia with its highly collectivist culture somehow, does not always fit into another culture. Liberalism  is the culture that should not be adopted. Indonesian are known as a collectivist culture and according to all points of Pancasila all that matters is to unify all of the civilians. Fact shows that libelarism has taken over our society especially the youth generations.  The amount of teenagers who completely adopted the lifestyle of western lifestyle has increased. Survey shows that 32 percent of average teenagers have had sex and that is heartbreaking fact considering how high the context of culture of Indonesia. This kind of culture should not be adopted. Parents should keep an eye on their children because teenagers are so unstable about what they should be doing and what they should not.
            In conclusion, to define culture, there will never be the “right” one and the “wrong” one. In the end everyone should filter everything and adopt it if it fits into. In order to strengthen the national character in the new era of globalization, Indonesia, as one of the most visited country should be aware of differences of cultures in all over the world.

Selasa, 13 September 2011

The Anonymous Losers of Internet

World is getting worse that even virtual society has some anonymous fags in there. So I have noticed a lot of accounts attempted to torture or hurt people with their hatred words. Let's just call these bitches internet haters. They spread hate for a person, a thing, a movie or even a religion online like cmon dude you don't even have the balls to say it on public so why do you bother talking shits over internet? GOD, pussies stop acting like a precious tough guy cause being a dickhead and hiding behind your computer doesn't make you cool. EPIC FAIL?! jhbdsgdygdfjkbcfhb. You sure need to get a real life try to communicate with real 'humans'

This shit happens all the time and for those who are hated don't need to worry about these haters cause theyre are the examples of life failures, will be a real waste of time if you take your time to respond any of their bullcraps. I believe none of them would want to speak up on public cause that's what eduacated people do as they called to constructively critize something and thats beyond  these retards expectationa as they are not even schooled.

Coretan Kegalauan.

Sekian lama, akhirnya ngeblog juga. Saya selalu punya niat untuk menulis. Tapi terkadang kehilangan semangat di tengah jalan yang akhirnya memberhentikan saya. Tapi semakin saya menunda, semakin banyak hal yang bermain di pikiran saya yang kemudian menuntut saya untuk menuangkannya. Kegalauan yang menghantui saya akhirnya mengajak saya untuk kembali mengingat tentang this abandoned blog and here I am.

Banyak sekali hal yang ingin saya ceritakan bahkan sampai bingung harus mulai dari mana. Berbicara tentang memulai memang perkara yang agak susah. Bayangkan saja, saya mempunyai segudang niat untuk melakukan hal-hal yang ingin saya lakukan tapi ketika saatnya memulai, seakan kehilangan akal dan bertanya balik kepada diri saya, "saya harus apa?". Pertanyaan yang kurang saya sukai. Saya merasa bodoh untuk itu, sudah sepatutnya saya menyiapkan sesuatu yang konkret bukan hanya bermodalkan idealisme saja. Saya seakan menghiraukan sesuatu yang tak kalah krusialnya dengan niat. Struktur. Tanpa struktur saya tidak akan punya 'guidance' untuk apa yang harus terlebih dahulu saya lakukan dan hal apa yang perhatikan selanjutnya. Untuk itu, kembali lagi saya berniat untuk memperbaiki segalanya (hopefully tidak hanya niat untuk kelanjutannya hehehe)

Tapi dibalik segalanya yang telah saya sesali, tetap saja ada hal yang saya syukuri. Ada sesuatu dari saya yang saya yakin tidak semua orang mempunyai itu, well mungkin more likely the consistency dan itu adalah semangat yang saya miliki.

Entah orang akan memanggil saya seorang 'nerdie', saya tidak malu untuk mengakui bahwa saya cinta belajar. Tak lepas karena memang senang akan bidang yang saya geluti saat ini. Tapi jangan kira saya tidak pernah berpikir untuk tidak masuk kelas karena saya benci pelajarannya. Sewaktu SMA, saya masuk ke jurusan IPA dan saya yakin it was a mistake. Saya bukanlah seorang yang terlalu pandai dalam hal berhitung dan cenderung menjadi seorang slow-thinker di kelas matematika dan hal itu membuat saya tidak menyukai pelajaran di kelas. It's just not my passion. Beruntung setelah tamat SMA, saya masuk ke dunia sosial. Seakan dihipnotis, jantung saya selalu berdetak semangat ketika pelajaran dimulai. Saya cinta kehidupan sosial, saya cinta budaya, saya cinta keragaman opini, saya cinta interaksi, saya cinta dunia sosial. Seakaan banyak sekali hal yang menjadi pertanyaan tentang ini dan itu di otak saya yang kemudian mendorong rasa ingin tahu untuk mencari segala sesuatu tentang itu.

Rasa ingin tahu yang terus memacu disatu sisi membuat saya berpacu akan segalanya. Entah sudah berapa kali saya mengumpati diri saya dengan perkataan betapa bodohnya diri ini ketika mengetahui banyak orang ternyata mempunyai pemikiran yang lebih maju satu level. Saya ingin terus belajar...

Banyak orang yang berkomentar tentang bidang yang saya geluti. Ada yang berpendapat bahwa ini tidak akan menghasilkan uang, atau hal lain yang selalu saja ada hubungannya dengan uang. Seakaan hidup ini akan berhenti tanpa adanya uang. Saya sadar, kita sangat membutuhkan penghasilan untuk tetap bertahan hidup, tapi bukankah itu adalah kebutuhan bukan kesenangan?

Anda tidak perlu menjadi seorang yang kaya untuk mendapatkan kebahagian 'kan?
Saya tidak perduli apakah nantinya sesuatu yang saya pelajari ini akan menghasilkan materi, toh saya telah mendapatkan kepuasan batin karena nya and I think, happiness is worth more than anything.

Sabtu, 07 Mei 2011


Selasa, 05 April 2011


Heyhoo. It's been forever since I wrote here for the last time. I've been busy, so busy with college and those damn assigments. Creepy how I get so many more assigments since I'm in 2nd semester now. I mean the first semester seemed to be so easy and there weren't so many things to do but now meh -.-
Well, I found myself bored these days. I actually am having something to do right now [what else it can be besides homeworks shit :P] well yes, homeworks -.- Ugh but I don't feel like to do it so I decided to go on blog and write smth.. perhaps this gunna make me better, AT LEAST I hope lol.  I don't even know what to write now just letting what comes out of my mind SIGHH Oh probably I shouldve written about how my days been going, well pretty much the same shit so :/ I don't really know what to tell BUTTT for sure ;) I  have the only thing that I've been always waiting for ! What else except me and alex's anniversary day hehe that's the only thing I can think of right now cuz that's the only thing I wait for tbh :P

What else now -.-..
Mhmm, Really LOL I don't know what to talk about but I really wanna write smth to get rid of boredom .. shit happens my brain isn't working currently LOL..

Anyway Utha is laying besides me she's so cute and FAT lol
There wont be any sexier cat .. she is the sexiest LOL
ehhh this blog is going pretty much pointless now hahaha but w/e I'm writting to get rid of boredom xD

I'm thinking of making video blog mhmm

Naw Im hungry lol I'm going to kitchen then, that's all for now I'll be right back soon :P [IF IM IN THE MOOD TO WRITE HAHA]
BYEEE <33333


Rabu, 23 Februari 2011

I think I am starting to like WRITTING :3

So yeah,  I found it interesting. Well, I used to have a diary but I don't like my handwritting very much.. lol I mean I'm not that good at it so I thought of typing something on internet. Then, I found a site that provide you to write your journal well yes on the line. So I decided to sign up but after 3 days writting, I stopped and the day after or two days after I don't really remember, I forgot the password which made me couldn't open the account and write there anymore.. :P Well that wasn't a big deal.. I know about blog but that was invisible to me lol I didn't really pay attention but oneday I caught myself really bored like I had no one to talk to - my boyfriend was sleeping all friends were busy and I needed something to do. So I turned on lappy and found someone posted her/his blog link and that made me intersted to start signed up and write. Since then I found myself really enjoy to figure out about something and write them here with my own touch of style. And I think this would help me since.. I've told you where I am now and I do need to practice. Well writing is fun, I make it fun. I mean I write stuff about me, thoughts of my mind and popular issues around the world. The last one, I plan to write that topic soon ;) I'm not a type of person who would write an essay blah blah I'm not that smart but who knows after I write alot I could make one. This will bring benefits for me.

I started to like writting since I found myself didn't know what to do and BORED TO DEATH.. lol And I don't really like hanging around places and I don't find anything interesting to watch on tv, I prefer internet cause google is like god LOL knows everything well pretty much like that :P

And those social networkings are totally boring now, like I've known all stuffs to do and I've been using it for long time so c'mon I need something new! And those things like fb,twitter got nothing to do with benefits. This is better than those.

Ah awkward thing is when I feel so high to write but I don't know what to write lol... this could be a problem though but when I find it like that, I will start to elook up something google.. even random things lol..maybe because these days are my days off so I haven't been doing many things that's why everyday is pretty much the same hahaa.

I hope I won't find writting on blog is gonna be boring though -_-' I HOPE.. WELL NO I WON'T CUS IT'S SO MUCH FUN =))


Selasa, 22 Februari 2011

Abortion Is So Fucking Cruel );

 Mostly, careless teenagers get abortions. The problem with youth today is that they have a severe lack of 

morality. But, seriously it's cruelisn't it? , I swear, that's like murder....it IS murder, like killing the life of someone who didn't even have a chance to live yet, therefore abortion is not cool, just because someone ruined their life, doesn't mean they should go and kill someone who didn't stand a chance, that's just cruel and only thinking about yourself. The unwanted baby don't even know anything of what you've been done. They have their right to have a life. Why don't just have the baby and put it up for adoption? That's much better. Plus, it was their fault  getting pregnant if they didn't want a kid. Well, I found this on a website....

Month 1
Mommy, I am only 8 inches long, but I have all my organs. I love the sound of your voice. Every time I hear it, I wave my arms and legs. The sound of your heart beat is my favorite lullaby.
Month 2
Mommy, today I learned how to suck my thumb. If you could see me, you could definitely tell that I am a baby. I'm not big enough to survive outside my home though. It is so nice and warm in here.
Month 3
You know what Mommy, I'm a girl!! I hope that makes you happy. I always want you to be happy. I don't like it when you cry. You sound so sad. It makes me sad too, and I cry with you even though you can't hear me.
Month 4
Mommy, my hair is starting to grow. It is very short and fine, but I will have a lot of it. I spend a lot of my time exercising. I can turn my head and curl my fingers and toes, and stretch my arms and legs. I am becoming quite good at it too.
Month 5
You went to the doctor today. Mommy, he lied to you. He said that I'm not a baby. I am a baby Mommy, your baby. I think and feel. Mommy, what's abortion?
Month 6
I can hear that doctor again. I don't like him. He seems cold and heartless. Something is intruding my home. The doctor called it a needle. Mommy what is it? It burns! Please make him stop! I can't get away from it! Mommy!! HELP me!!
Month 7
Mommy, I am okay. I am in God's arms. He is holding me. He told me about abortion. Why didn't you want me, Mommy?
Every Abortion Is Just . . .
One more heart that was stopped. Two more eyes that will never see. Two more hands that will never touch. Two more legs that will never run. One more mouth that will never speak.

and because of this, I feel that abortion is just legal murder...

Minggu, 20 Februari 2011

Umm... I feel high today xD

HIIII, it has been a month though I haven't written on my blog! :3 Well, many things have been going :P I got my score ;O in my last blog I kinda wrote I hadn't got my result yet but it announced like hmm a week ago or so. It was great but I think it wasn't really enough, I should study more and more and more. Well, I got 3,47. Perfect score is 4. Next semester I should really be studying harder cause I have a target to get a perfect score ;). I'm enjoying my college so much. It's really fun. I'm not a 'sciene' girl haha I'm more into social. But when I was in high school I took science. Why? Even though I didn't like science but, it was better to take it, since social class were cheesy.. you know what I mean lol.. those girls are.. sluts.. oops sorry but that's the fact xD Teacher are mostly lazy to go on social class well don't know why but according to them they are all naughty haha due to that thing I decided to take science which was really stressing! LOL since I knew nothing at all about science :P But hehe by the time I passed it and graduated. Now I'm in a humanity faculty. That's soooooo my thing. But, since I didn't took social science in high school. Many of students in my faculty are obviously sort of  better than me. I didn't learn social as much as they did. But anyway that's the challenge!! :3 lol ok ok lemme tell you what has been goin on lately :P hmm I have been enjoying my days with my boyfriend tbh and my friends~ Meme, Unyil, Lita, Titak, Dandang, Adit, Putri ~ hahah theyre all awesome :P I looove my day since they came into my life :3 Especially for my one and only hehe <33

Well It's been 5 months too ;) With Aleeeex. He's amazing! My future husband.

Ah hmm what else. OOOOH hahah should tell ya I'm goin on diet now :P but dunno if it's gonna work I'm just hoping and keep trying ;)

Well tbh I can't wait to go on college again, to see how fun it will be! :3 

That's all maybe now hehe and I need more followers aaa~ :D

have a nice day

Loveee and Muchas Kisses

Tya <33

Senin, 24 Januari 2011

Hey World? :]

It has been a long time I haven't written much here hehe I have been busy with many things in my life which are reaaaaally darn tiring. But anyway, I'm getting kind of bored of getting those assigments and exams and those such things. Thanks God, it's holiday! :D hm well I have got my days off, its thirty days off which is so great I'll get to spenf my whole time with my boyfriend :P but one awkward thing is... I haven't got my score for this semester! Actually it makes me kinda nervous though but I'm trying to relax and taking it easy. I've done my best? it's time for God to answer my prayer somehow. I'm looking forward to go back home in this month off, but let's just see because I have to check all the time when the result of my exams in this semester will be announced. Hoping it will be great! Wish me luuuuuuuck. And gosh... I miss my mom so bad. it has been 6 months I haven't seen her and it gets me hard to phone her lately because of my exams but last nite I was on phone with her and she wishes me luck for my result for this semester! and I just got to know my brother is growing up :O lol I just knew he has got girlfriend but anyway isn't it good? :)! just really miss them ssoooooo much...
Ah, and it has been really great days. I'm not so lonely since my boyfriend is here besides me like ALWAAAAAYS! eventhough not physically here but really he makes me feel like I'm with him. We celebrated our 4 months dating like weeks ago, hehe it was really great. he gets more and more sweet each day and I'm falling in love with him more and more everyday. Getting lovebirds everyday!. Well, just wish to have no more arguments. sometimes a little thing can be a big deal to us and it means we have to get more mature to overcome these kind of things.. Despite of those things, I really do know that he loves me the way I do love him. Growing old with him is my dream. Biggest dream of mine. I love him so baaaaad.
Hehe, I've talked a lot guys. I really need to some stuffs. When I get a little bit time I'll write again in here bye see yaaa<33
